Showing: 11 - 20 of 33 RESULTS
Conference SessionsNursing Healthcare Patient Safety Conferences

Track 24: Non Communicable Disease

Introduction Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), also known as chronic diseases, are medical conditions or health problems that are non-infectious and non-transmissible. These diseases typically have a prolonged duration and tend to progress slowly. Some of the most common examples of NCDs include cardiovascular diseases (such as heart disease and stroke), cancer, chronic respiratory diseases (such as …

Conference SessionsNursing Healthcare Patient Safety Conferences

Track 23: Epidemiology

Definition Nursing education is defined as formal education and training in the science of nursing. This encompasses activities and obligations in the physical care of patients, as well as a mix of diverse disciplines that both speeds and aids the patient’s return to health. Description Nursing and nursing education have evolved dramatically over the years. …

Conference SessionsNursing Healthcare Patient Safety Conferences

Track 22: Adolescent and Young Adults Health

Adolescent and Young Adults Health Adolescent and Young Adults Health refers to the physical, mental, and social well-being of individuals typically between the ages of 10 and 24. This period is characterized by significant physical growth, cognitive development, and social transitions, making it a critical time for establishing healthy habits and behaviors that can impact …

Conference SessionsNursing Healthcare Patient Safety Conferences

Track 21: Infection, Prevention and Control

Introduction Infection prevention and control (IPC) refers to practices and protocols implemented to minimize the risk of infections spreading in healthcare settings and other environments. Hand Hygiene: Regular handwashing with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand sanitizers helps prevent the transmission of pathogens from one person to another. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Healthcare workers …

Conference SessionsNursing Healthcare Patient Safety Conferences

Track 20: Occupational and Safety Health

Oncology Nurse at a Glance Cancer therapy, diagnosis, and prevention are all referred to as oncology. You will play a vital role on cancer care teams as an oncology nurse, offering knowledge and support to people facing a traumatic diagnosis. Being an oncology nurse necessitates having a strong capacity for compassion and the capacity to …

Conference Sessions

Track 19: Maternal Infant and Child Health

Introduction Maternal, Infant, and Child Health (MICH) is a field of public health that focuses on the well-being of mothers, infants, and children. It encompasses a range of services, programs, and interventions aimed at promoting health and preventing diseases and complications among these populations. Key components of maternal, infant, and child health include: Prenatal care: …

Conference SessionsTrack 18: Advance Care Planning (ACP)

Track 18: Advance Care Planning (ACP)

Introduction Advance Care Planning (ACP) aims to empower individuals to make informed decisions about their future healthcare preferences. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of ACP, exploring its role in improving patient-centered care and facilitating discussions on end-of-life care preferences. Types of ACP: Directive Forms: This includes living wills, healthcare power of attorney, …

Conference SessionsTrack 17: Legal and Ethics in Healthcare

Track 17: Legal and Ethics in Healthcare

What isegal and Ethics in Healthcare? Legal and ethical considerations are paramount in healthcare due to the sensitive nature of patient care and the potential impact on individuals’ well-being. Here’s an overview of some key aspects: Confidentiality: Healthcare providers are legally and ethically obligated to maintain patient confidentiality. This includes protecting patient information from unauthorized …

Conference SessionsTrack 16: Sports Medicine in Health

Track 16: Sports Medicine in Health

Common inquiries concerning family medicine in India include: Since the 1960s, FM has existed as a separate and independent medical specialty in industrialised nations like the USA, UK, Australia, and Canada. FM instruction is given at the undergraduate and graduate levels in nations including Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and Nepal. The vast majority of doctors in …

Conference SessionsTrack 15: Artificial Intelligence

Track 15: Artificial Intelligence

Introduction: Any health care resource’s level of value, as evaluated by some assessment, is known as its quality of care. It is an evaluation of whether something is good enough and appropriate for its function, much as quality in other fields. The purpose of health care is to provide good quality of life, treat illnesses …