
Nursing education is defined as formal education and training in the science of nursing. This encompasses activities and obligations in the physical care of patients, as well as a mix of diverse disciplines that both speeds and aids the patient’s return to health.


Nursing and nursing education have evolved dramatically over the years. This history indicates a never-ending battle for autonomy and professionalism. Women’s quest for professional acceptance and position, religion, conflict, technology, and societal attitudes have all had an impact on nursing practise in the past. These influences continue to have an impact on nursing today. Throughout the last few decades, the profession has strived to improve its reputation.

Nursing education in the United States originated in Europe. In Kaiserwerth, Germany, Theodor Fliedner established the Order of Deaconesses, a small hospital and training school. Florence Nightingale, the mother of modern nursing, obtained her formal education at this institution. Notes on Nursing: What It Is and What It Is Not was published in London in 1859. This was not written for nurses, but for the average lady who cared for her family. The National Women’s Suffrage Association was formed in 1869 to support women’s voting rights, and Lavinia Dock, a nurse, utilised the group to promote and improve nurses’ rights.

Nursing Healthcare Patient Safety Conferences

Degree programs

Associate degree programmes were first provided in the United States in 1952 and are mostly available through community institutions. This is a two-year curriculum that focuses on technical skills while also providing a foundation in behavioural and biological science. Associate degree holders must pass a state licensure examination before they can practise under the initials RN. The National League for Nursing (NLN) has been the certifying authority for two and four-year nursing colleges since the 1950s. However, in recent years, four-year universities have sought accreditation from the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), an organisation that does not admit two-year colleges.

The baccalaureate curriculum, which is available in universities and colleges across the United States, lasts four years. It educates students in the arts, sciences, and humanities. Although bedside care is taught, the programme focuses on leadership and administration, community health nursing, and research. These graduates also take the licence exam and are given the title of RN.

Advanced practice nurses

Nurse practitioners (NPs), certified nurse midwives (CNMs), certified registered nurse anaesthetists (CRNAs), and clinical nurse specialists are all examples of advanced practise nurses (CNS). These nurses have four-year degrees with some postgraduate studies; the majority have master’s degrees. Advanced practise nurses, like registered nurses, are licenced and certified.

A bachelor degree from an authorised college or university is required to get a master’s or doctorate degree. Graduate programmes emphasise advanced clinical practise and research, as well as preparing students for positions as educators and administrators.

Nurses can also work without a college diploma. It takes roughly a year to become a practical nurse, which includes hospital training as well as classroom work. Students must pass a licencing examination after graduating from a practical nursing programme in order to use the initials LPN (licenced practical nurse) or LVN (licenced vocational nurse) and practise under the supervision of a registered nurse. However, compared to RNs, LPNs earn less money, have less responsibility, and are rarely promoted to supervisory positions.

The nursing shortage

Nursing has evolved into a sophisticated business, with nurses expected to have the knowledge and skills to give leadership in administrative contexts. At the same time, their responsibilities have increased, and the patients they care for are in worse condition. Furthermore, many other professions are now open to women, which reduces the pool of available applicants. There is also a nursing faculty shortage in the profession. As a result, the number of nurses in the field is decreasing, resulting in a severe shortage.

In 1996, the average age of all RNs was 44.3 years, and 42.3 years for practising nurses. Worse, the average age is rising at the same time as enrolment in baccalaureate programmes is declining. According to federal data, if current trends continue, increased demand for registered nurses would outpace supply in or around 2010. According to an estimate from the United States Department of Health and Human Services Division of Nursing, 114,000 full-time RN jobs will go unfilled in 2015.

List of Home Care Nursing Services Association
  1. Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses
  2. Academy of Neonatal Nursing
  3. ACNP- American College of Nurse Practitioners
  4. Advanced Practice Nurses of the Ozarks
  5. Advanced Practice Nurses of the Permian Basin
  6. Advanced Practitioners for the River Region
  7. Air & Surface Transport Nurses Association
  8. Alliance for Psychosocial Nursing
  9. Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments
  10. Alzheimer’s Association
List of Home Care Nursing Services Healthcare
  1. American Assembly for Men in Nursing
  2. American Assisted Living Nurses Association
  3. American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC)
  4. American Association for the History of Nursing
  5. American Association of Colleges of Nursing
  6. American Association of Critical Care Nurses
  7. American Association of Diabetes Educators
  8. American Association of Heart Failure Nurses
  9. American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants
  10. American Association of Managed Care Nurses
List of the 10 best Home Care Nursing Services University
  1. Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh
  2. Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka
  3. Christian Medical College, Vellore
  4. Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai
  5. JKK Muniraja Institute of Health Sciences
  6. Lingayas Institute of Health Sciences
  7. Metro College of Health Sciences and Research
  8. Jr Kissan College of Pharmacy and Health Science
  9. Calcutta Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and Allied Health Sciences
  10. Acharya Institute of Health Science and Nursing
List of Home Care Nursing Services Society
  1. United Nurses Association
  2. Indian Nurses Association.
  3. All India Nurses Association
  4. Kerala Govt Nurses Association
  5. Kerala Nurses Union
  6. The American Association of Healthcare Administrative Management 
  7. American Health Information Management Association 
  8. The Healthcare Financial Management Association 
  9. National Association of Health Services Executives
  10. The National Association of Healthcare Access Management 

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Sub-tracks of Nursing Education

  1. Critical Care Nursing
  2. Geriatrics
  3. Health Diversity
  4. Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing
  5. Nurse Career and Education
  6. Nurse Practitioners
  7. OB/GYN and Women’s Health Nursing
  8. Pain Management
  9. Palliative Care
  10. Patient Safety
  11. Pediatrics/Neonatal Care Nursing
  12. Perioperative Nursing